
Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Uganda


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1.乌干达投资局 The Investment Center TWED Plaza Plot 22 Lumuaba Avenue P.O.Box 7418, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 256-414-301000 Fax: 256-414-342903 Email: info@ugandainvest.com http: www.ugandainvest.com; www.ugandainvest.net

2.乌干达司法部注册服务局 P.O.Box 7151,Kampala, Uganda Tel: 256-414-233135/230537-9 Fax: 256-414-232135/254829.

3.乌干达银行 P.O.Box 7120,Kampala, Uganda Tel: 256-414-258441/6, 341223 Fax: 256-414-231549 http: www.bou.or.ug

4.乌干达旅游局 P.O.Box 7211, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 256-414-342196/7 Fax: 256-414-342188 Email: info@visituganda.com http: www.visituganda.com

5.乌干达内政部移民局 Jinja Road P. O. Box 7165, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 256-414-231031/231641 Fax: 256-414-231188 Email: immigi@infocom.com immigration@infocom.co.ug

6.乌干达私有化办公室 P. O. Box 10944, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 256-414-230300/256467 Fax: 256-414-259997 Email: pmu@imul.com

7.乌干达国家统计局 Plot M217 Nakawa P.O.Box 6329, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 256-414-286123, 262688/9, 222367 Fax: 256-414-286123 Email: unbs@starcom.co.ug http: www.unbs.org

8.乌干达出口促进局 Conrad Plaza, 5th Floor P.O.Box 5045, Kampala, Uganda Tel/Fax: 256-414-259779 Email: uepb@starcom.co.ug

9.乌干达国家环保局 NEMA House, 3rd Floor Plot 17/19/21 Jinja Road P.O.Box 22255, Kampala, Uganda Tel: 256-414-251064/5/8 Fax: 256-414-257521 http: www.nemaug.org